Wall Art Tutorial
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Once I saw a nice wall hanging at my auntie’s place,that was hand painted,i was really inspired by that wall i decide to make a simple wall hanging for myself…I am also good in hand painting..Actually I am jack of all trades but master of none…really…hehe..well i am sharing a wall art tutorial..My auntie’s wall Hanging was a bigger one..but i am making a sharing today a simple technique of making wall art…
Wall Art Tutorial
First of all I draw a design on paper with led pencil
Then i start the process…
When i was doing my textile designing,I bought some frames for hand weaving..this was an extra i am taking this as frame…
After completing design, I fill the design with pencil color & then transfer it by pressing impression over the back side of paper to the wall paper sheet…
Then I start painting on it with paint brush…
And its completed…
Then i fix the wall paper sheet on the frame.,
I hope you learn the way I share this idea.
As i enjoyed a lot…
Enjoy my other WallArt Tutorials
Khadija ~