Anthro Inspired
Anthro Ring Knock-Off | Do It Yourself
let’s make an Anthro Ring Knock-Off | Do It Yourself without any effort or intermediate skills :) Let’s see
Seashell accessories are always in trend. I like to craft with seashells as well. As a fan of Anthropologie accessories, I used to knock off some of their stuff. You may remember my DIY Shell Ring Jewelry Dish Inspired By Anthropologie. My today’s Anthro knock-off is one of the easiest DIY ever. It only required 3 craft supplies and less than 2 minutes of your time! Believe me.. the simple, easy and quick DIY ever! Before explaining it further, let’s make an Anthro Ring Knock-Off | Do It Yourself without any effort or intermediate skills :) Let’s see

Anthro Ring Knock-Off | Do It Yourself

This is the super simple and easy seashell ring DIY which is also an Anthro Knock-off. Let’s start making!

Craft supplies required:
Metal ring blank base
Small seashell
Hot glue gun

Let’s start making!
Collect the supplies, I bet they are all available at your craft stash easily!
I put some pearls along with it just to see how it looks if I use pearls in this design. But As the real Anthro knock-off is without pearls so let it be without the pearls.

Apply a generous amount of hot glue gun on the metal blank part of the ring.

Fix the little cute seashell on the glue part of the ring.

There we go! Anthro Knock-off ring is done in 2 minutes only!

As simple as ABC… Right?
Anthro Quick Do It Yourself
Here below I have shared the collage for you, so you can use it on Pinterest.

I hope you liked my quick and fun DIY which is basically an Anthro knock off. You can make it quick & enjoy it too.

You can also check my other Anthro knock off DIYs

Also, I have shared many seashell crafts on my blog, I bet you will like my easy DIYs using shells.
I hope you liked my version of Lena Bernard shell ring.
In my next article, I will be coming up with one of the colorful customized glass paint wall art which I’ve painted for a friend.
If you are following me on Instagram, you may already have seen it in my insta stories section! You can still check it under my highlights section DIY on Instagram @ creative_mind_khadija be sure to follow me there for the latest crafts and stuff about daily life :)
Have a great day!