Rosette Headband Tutorial
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I made this Rosette Headband for my niece, Today I will be sharing its Tutorial with you. Hope you will be enjoying its making!
This rosette & net embellished headband is my one of favorite band these days! Although i make this for my niece but she didn’t like this because it was not according to her choice of material.Oh God a hardly 4 years old girl have choices now!! Today, My Niece is a cute model for this headband ..
Before starting this Headband making, first you will have to check my Rosette Tutorial,
Make some rosettes first with this tutorial & then start making the headband :)
You will need to have some fabric rosettes,
Net fabric strap
Crystal Beads
Transparent glue,
I used here Mod Podge glue but hot glue will also be OK (I can’t find my glue sticks actually, I think they are all used)
First cut a piece of 12″ & make a ruffly strap,
Paste it over the headband but leave some space for rosettes :)
After pasting rosettes on ruffles then leave it until it gets dry totally.
Then paste some crystal beads on it for so it
And the band is ready within a few minutes only, I think around 15 or 20 minutes.
Headband is ready now. Perfect for baby girls as well as school/college going girls as well.
I hope you liked my idea and will find this tutorial useful. You can decorate many other accessories with fabric rosettes. They look really pretty and can simply make an ordinary product some really cute piece. I hope you will be enjoying my tutorials of handmade accessories.
You can also check my previous Headband Tutorials HERE

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