Mod Podged Glitter Nails..Can You Think Like This?
Hi Friends,
Have you ever faced any situation when you are going to your friends circle & suddenly you notice that you have NO matching nail color in your makeup portion..what to wear now for nails? I know its not possible to run outside hurriedly for buying your matching color..
So what to do temporary..without going anywhere..?
Dont you have any idea? If you are having a Creative mind, You will definitely try something as I am doing today..Yes..Mod Podge it..
If you are having a crafty space in your house,simply move there & open your acrylic/fabric paints &..Mod Podge too..
then remember my this post for the instructions & idea..(you can also smile after thinking about this post)
Lets start working on..
Mod Podged Glitter Nails
You will need to have;
paints(any type,water color,fabric,acrylic etc.)
Paint brush
ModPodge(sparkle or gloss)
Mix green in white color,green must be less than 3rd half of white..
Then add red in the vanilla color,
Apply on nails & dry for 2-3 minutes
Its done but not water proof, you will make this water proof for a little time with Mod Podge
Glitter nails are in fashion, so I am using sparkle one,otherwise you can also apply MP gloss or matte too..
Let it dry & if you want another coat you can do it,but I think it will be thick.
If you don’t want to add any color on nails,you can apply MP sparkle only..just glitter as I am showing in this last image..
My nails are already pink so you may not notice much difference between painted nails & transparent..
I wash my hands once & then twice, avoid warm water & dont play with soap for so long,hehe,,hurry up & wash your hands,Avoid rubbing with towel or tissue,otherwise the secret can be leaked..shhhh…
I am having a sensitive skin,I am using a baby soap from many years..& I wash hands with the same bar, I am not sure if your soap is a bit strong!
My cellphone paint & modpodge is still as it is from 2 months,although I hold it several times with wet hands..hmm
I hope you will never Mind my cheap Idea of using a crafty thing into fashion! But you must believe that
necessity is the mother of invention :) Isn’t it..?
Have a crafty day