Guest Post
How to Avoid Frauds at Academic Writing Companies
We’re leaving during the age when it is fairly easy to get scammed, especially when you fill in your personal information, make purchases or just communicate online. And academic writing companies are not an exception in this scheme. I personally have used the services of custom writing agencies quite a few times, but several of them haven’t been pleasant as I didn’t get what I expected for the price I paid. That’s why I’m writing this article to help you avoid such situations and make decisions that will lead you only to beneficial results.
In order not to fall for an academic writing fraud, you, first of all, shouldn’t act like someone who WANTS to jump at the bait. I mean that the first writing agency that pops up in the Google search results is not the best way to buy an academic paper. You need to make an effort and take the following steps to make sure you will not come across some sort of fraud:
Every respected company would tell a bit about its history to the clients to open up and appear more trustworthy. For example, has been providing British, American, Canadian and Australian students with sample academic papers since 2005. I’ve found that out from accessing its About Us section that is visible on the homepage.
Look for Policies and Guarantees:
If the agency that you are going to buy from doesn’t have any guarantees or policies, run, Forest, run! The thing is that there should be Money Back, Confidentiality and Plagiarism-Free guarantees as well as Revision and Privacy policies with stated terms. Without this information, you can’t be sure that you will obtain the result that you expect or get your funds back when something’s wrong.
Be on Guard for too Low Prices:
If the websites of the company have a visible price tag and the quotes are low, there can be two explanations:
1. The agency is a fraud;
2. It hires newbie or incompetent writers who produce papers of bad quality.
I understand that you want to spend as less money as possible, but if you place an order with such a company, you’ll have to pay even more to rewrite what you’ve got.
Evaluate the Content Quality on the Website
If the agency is trustworthy and authoritative, it will do its best to develop a website that will present it from the most beneficial perspective. However, if you spot grammar mistakes, meaningless or really strange text on its web pages, it means that the company doesn’t really care about its image. Its only aim is to lure you into buying.
Talk with the Customer Support:
The situation is the same with customer support. Write them a message or give them a call, and you’ll be able to check out their level of English. Custom writing agencies tend to outsource this service to countries like India or Pakistan, so the majority of representatives will surely have an accent. But that’s not the problem – it’s their command of English and how they answer your questions that you need to evaluate. If their language is really bad and they have no idea what responses to provide you with, it implies that the company keeps the customer support just for the sake of appearance. And can you imagine what kind of papers they will provide you with?
Follow these steps to avoid being scammed. Believe me, if I had known about these hacks a few years ago, I would have saved tons of money that I spent on different cheap companies. Use my tips to get a real bargain! You may send your request “write my dissertation cheap” and receive support from the experts.
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