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How to Create an Eye-Catching Logo

How to Create an Eye-Catching Logo

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How to Create an Eye-Catching Logo

The impact of the logo can be such that on many occasions. It has surpassed even the popularity of the company itself. For example, not everyone can afford a Mercedes-Benz, but almost everyone knows what the three-point star represents. A logo is what provides identity to a brand and it passes the language barrier. So, the question is,how do you create an eye-catching logo that stays with your target audience? The answer is not as simple because there is no general formula for this one. The following tips might help you figure it out.

Using the Psychology of Color to Your Advantage

It has been found that each color represents a certain quality to the human mind. You can use that knowledge to associate a subconscious sense of dependability and creativity to your brand logo. Check out some of the established mind-color connections below.

  • Red –excitement, vigor
  • Orange –friendliness, approach ability
  • Yellow –positivity, hope
  • Blue –dependability, trustworthiness
  • Purple –creativity, wisdom
  • White –Balance, stability
  • Green –peacefulness, spirituality, safety

Your entire logo doesn’t have to be of the same color, but there should definitely be at least one predominant shade. Also, white or silver is not the best choice of primary color for a logo if you are looking to catch the eye immediately, as they don’t pop out as much.

How to Create an Eye-Catching Logo

Letters Matter

Aside from colors, the only other thing that jumps out at us right away are the letters themselves. For example, Uber had a “U” in the company logo until February 2016, but as soon as they removed it, the new monochrome design received a lot of negative feedback from both industry experts and customers. It was just eye-catching and easier to find the Uber application on a long list of smartphone apps when the letter U stood out from the rest. Make your logo stand out too by carefully choosing a few letters from the company name.

How to Create an Eye-Catching Logo
How to Create an Eye-Catching Logo

Real Life Usability

 A logo is a symbol and it can be used in more ways than one in the virtual world, but there are still some real-world considerations to be made here. For example, consider something that looks good as a lapel pin because they make for great gifts that you can give to your business partners, key contacts, customers and employees. When people start wearing your company logo on their lapels, you know that you are getting some instant recognition.

You can also check creative portals for freelance logo designer.

Standing Out

A logo that’s like nothing else people have seen before would be ideal, but it’s very hard to achieve, given that almost anything you can think of has already been tried to  a degree. Being unique or standing out is a buzzword that gets used far too often and while its importance is immense, in most cases, “stand out from your competition” is just generic advice, so let’s try to make more sense here than just stating the obvious:

  • Don’t copy from a famous logo too closely, but you can always take inspiration
  • Everything on the logo should have some relevance to the organization it represents
  • Do not be afraid to use bright colors and bold images to stand out; it works
  • Research your competition’s logos and design yours in stark contrast
  • Create a contrast of colors.

Prefer Criticism Over Respectful Indifference

Not every logo is received well by everybody and if you take the bold route and choose to stand out by taking a risk, it is very likely that it would be criticized. From the perspective of a new business though, receiving even negative criticism for a business logo is much better than being lost in respectful indifference. That criticism might just give you the exposure you need to make your brand well-known.

Disclaimer – This guest post may consist of collaborative links. I hope you will find it useful, thanks for your support.

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I am Khadija, a girl blogger & content creator. I started this blog in 2010. It's pleasure sharing interesting stuff related to art, fashion, food, and lifestyle. You can enjoy my 400+ DIYs on this blog. I also sell my handmade arts. Stay tuned to see a lot more interesting stuff.

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