Collage Clay
How to decorate a vase with pistachio shells
Its a busy week going on, I totally forgot about publishing something new on the blog as I were working on some other projects. You may notice the last article I posted about 10 day back..whoops! So finally I am back with another arty crafty update :) Decorating ordinary stuff and making them pretty is one of my favorite task to do. I recently design something fun with mod podge collage clay & some pistachio shells. Once I decorate a bottle with Pistachio shells & pearls, I still have that bottle at my craft space. I made this one & like it more than my previous pistachio vase.
Have a look how I made this simple vase.. I hope you will like the way I decorate it.
How to decorate a vase with pistachio shells
How is it looking? I put some crepe paper flowers in in the vase and its looking good with it. isn’t it?
At first glance, whoever was looking at the vase were asking me what is this thing pasted on? These are pistachio shells I saved this winter for trying something interesting with these..So here today I ended up making something with these pistachio shells. Yay!!
You will need to have :
Mod Podge collage clay
Pistachio Shells
Rhinestones strip
While working on this crafty creation, I were having a dear assistant with me as well.. Yeah! my 2 years old niece was helping me in searching pistachio shells from the container & was providing me when I done fixing one! She is such a dear assistant who rarely disturb me while I am working at my space or with my gadgets etc. on the other hand she is MashaAllah very active baby doll..,I tried capturing her pic while working with me but ended up with some blurry clicks..haha..
First I paste collage clay on the vase, then spread it plain on surface & before it gets dry, I started fixing pistachio shells & rhinestones. And after 3,4 hours I checked it was fixed well and dry! Ta-Da.. its done.
Ready to hang on.. but NO..!! why?? because an empty vase will not be attractive though.. Right?
Here it is.. I fix three crepe paper flower on straws and join three by wrapping them together with a green crepe paper strip & paper tape.
And it’s ready! isn’t it a simple yet an easy craft idea? Reusing and recycling is always interesting! I know we always throw these shells after eating roasted salted pistachios in winter but it’s not bad to save them for any creative idea. Isn’t it..?
You can not only decorate vases with it. You can also use these for designing random objects like broken/chipped mugs or glasses. Design any mini container for your jewelry or makeup accessories. You can also decorate a gift box with these teeny tiny shells. Isn’t it a fun idea? I remember once my friend gifted me a box which was embellished with peanut shells and then spray painted. It was hard to imagine what is this thing pasted on the box. That looks pretty though.
I hope you enjoyed my today’s article. It’s really easy & pretty! You should be giving it a try.
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Have a wonderful day Everyone :)
Khadija ~