Mod Podge Headbands
I always enjoy Mod podge creations,today I will be sharing another easiest technique on how you can refashion any simple headband with mod podge..I have shared several headband creations with you but its simplest,
you can find these Previous Headband Tutorials HERE
Today’s headband is perfect for all age groups,whenever i make any accessory,i try to keep all age groups in my mind,because i have readers of almost every age group,& i don’t want to bore my senior readers.
have a look at my today’s Headband
Mod Podge Headbands
I bought a set of 3 plain red headbands,the First one i have done previously HERE
you will just need a paper ,some sequins, & mod podge
Simply paste the paper on 1st band & then apply mod podge,when it will get dry the shiny look will be here!
On the other band,first you will apply a thick layer of mod podge on it & then sprinkle lots of shiny sequins over it,i use two colored sequins,well when it will get a little dry,shake the band a little,so extra sequins will leave the band,when it get totally dry again apply a rich layer of mod podge,so it will be transparent & look like a shiny stylish head band
I am sure every age group will enjoy this craft,kids will love to create these bands with their personal favorite beads & other things..i saw a headband once on a girl head,that was embellished with painted pasta n macaroni things,i really like that idea,she learn that craft in her school.i will try someday ^(^
I hope you like these & you will try your own..
So have a nice day with lots of Creativity.
Have a look at all of my other Headband Tutorials