Random Blogging
Rain & Floods in Pakistan
My country is in a very serious condition these days after a deadly rain storm, It leads to some heavy floods & destruction in about two provinces of Pakistan. As you will may be had a chance to see this at TV news & other media, its really sad situation, a person with a small/soft heart like me can’t stop the tears in the eyes while seeing all these images of destruction and helpless people. specially little innocent kids & old sick people..They are suffering so badly..
I am safe in my area & all is well here but so many cities & villages are badly destructed & almost vanished from the surface.
Today I will be sharing some random clicks about it. the source of images is Google & BBC
Flood in Pakistan
Who can stand in front of this dangerous flood water..
This image seriously melted my heart..so sad to see these little kids in danger.. See how a mother is saving her kids although her own life is in danger.. oh dear God..Help them..
So sad to see all this!
Rain & Floods in Pakistan
Here above a family is sitting at the roof top & waiting for the rescue help.. the layers on water surface are because of helicopter which was ready to take them out from here for rescue..
Above these are huge trees & buildings but now they are in water, everything is in water..
Pakistan Army is doing great for the rescue operations! They have survived thousands of helpless people with urgent & timely rescue!
God Bless Pak Army
You can see the roof tops of the houses..
Roads, bridges & whole infrastructure is crushed and mostly land connections are disconnected because of flood destruction. 180 people died & so many injured, as many are misplaced too.. My country is suffering badly with this flood.
Our Govt. & Armed forces are working well for rescue but its not a small area to cover, hundreds of villages and cities gone into water.. its not yet stopped, still going but now slowly!
I pray to GOD Almighty for the lives of innocent people who are suffering in these areas.. I am also doing my efforts for the charity purpose & would like to request everyone who can help them..As I have been working with an NGO so I have some ways to help these people in person! our every little effort for them can be considered as a Huge one specially in front of our God Almighty! So think about the other day! not just for Today..
May God help everyone who is suffering!
Prayers & well wishes!