DIY Instagram Wall art with Polaroid Prints
Hi Everyone,
These days I am in a habit of filling my craftroom walls with some colorful art, I am glad you appreciated my craftroom wall which I have painted few months back, See HERE. As I am an instagram addict, So one of my blog affiliate Printl appreciated my gallery & sent Instagram Polaroid prints of my clicks every month! I were having a pretty nice heap of my instagram polaroid prints, So I were thinking how to organize these beautifully! And this Instagram wall art DIY just happened :) Yay!
This wall is exactly opposite to the wall which I painted spring inspired colorful. (my logo you can see in the blog header)
DIY Instagram Wallart with Polaroid Prints
Because I HEART my craft room.. So a Heartistic shape just done! All I need to have for designing this wall is :
Washi Tape
Polaroid Prints
Double sided Tape
I cut some chevron design washi tape in small pieces, & applied at corners of every print. Then I started pasting those on the wall. There are 7 rows of the prints. In first row I put 2 prints with a gap to make it heart shape properly Then in second row 4, then 7 in the middle row & after 7, then 6 prints, 5, 2, 1 & the shape was Perfectly okay! Got it? Let me know if still any confusion.
In the above pic, you can see the plain wall here, Once I decorated this with some crepe paper flowers at my blog’s 5th blogversary :) Remember?
Every month when I open the envelop of my polaroid prints, my niece really enjoy having a look at these :)
Once I share my pic at instagram & here is my Niece’s favorite print.. The reason is obvious though :) Got it?
And here it is my favorite Polaroid print just in front of the colorful wall I have painted :) Pretty cool!
You can see my other washitape crafts & tutorials HERE, Also have a look how I organize some of my polaroid prints on a DIY Memory Board.
I hope you will like my today’s DIY. It was easy as well as interesting for me. Let me know if you have designed something like this, I would love to have a look at your ideas as well :)
Have a great day!
Khadija ~