Card Making
Sneak Peek of Handmade Cards Making Project
Hey Everyone, Have you ever tried making handmade wishing card for your family or friends? If not, I will suggest you to try! Handmade is precious for so many reasons! Today I will be sharing a random sneak peek of my recent handmade cards making project. I hope you will enjoy seeing these colorful handmade birthday cards. If you are following me on snapchat or Instagram, You may already have seen these sneak peeks of my work. Making of these handmade birthday cards is not so easy but it’s great to see these when they are done! And the most interesting part, when your customer is happy to see their product. Yeah!!
Have a look at some of my work in progress updates of handmade cards making project! I love working on it. Life is good when glitter is around, I love working with glitter crafts specially!
Sneak Peek of Handmade Cards Making Project
This above picture is from my craftroom & I were having my tea at afternoon. I saw this combination is not looking bad so captured the click through my phone camera :) Not bad?
Hey look at these.. They are so many, with many colors! Isn’t it interesting to see? I had a big project with around 30 handmade cards & these cards have been landed to Canada now.
My client wanted handmade cards with a white base. So you will notice every card base is white.
Some crafting essentials. A measuring scale, a cutter & some decoration goodies. Its Instagram edited, now have a look at its snapchat version below!
What a difference!! I admit. Editing rocks! isn’t it?
Paper quilling cards are always my favorite. I love pink, Do you? Pink crafts are always pretty! I will be sharing the complete card in coming days.
Here it is another paper quilled handmade card in making. Excited to see the final version? haha
Are you in love? If yes, Your heart might shine just like this glittery heart. haha! Just a philosophical thought came in my mind.. haha. Jute with glitter is so fun! I never tried this combination before but it was good. This card was one of my favorite. Can’t wait to share with you in coming days.
This above black & white version was just to ask my dear followers about the colors of balloons. Everyone guessed almost right. I know it was easy! I were just checking how active my fans & followers are ;) haha!
Here it is the real photo from my snapchat. All I can see is mess around me. I hardly capture pics but when I do, I try to hide the mess behind. Hehe
Want to see some more mess?? Have a look below!
Please do not zoom & see this minutely, There is a load of crafty mess on my table which I used to spread while working! Thanks to my sweet sis in law who helped me in organizing these back & placing the crafty goodies back to their places! My eldest bro & His wife both are art lovers & they both help me in my almost every project. How sweet is this <3 Masha’Allah.
It was my Instagram‘s anniversary! 5 years & counting!! This Polaroid print was sent by a printing press all the way from Russia!
Guess this sign! Ohh come on! It’s my logo painted by me on the wall of my craftroom. See complete making HERE.
This is not a card, This was another random project I was working on for a client. This is also work in progress picture, I think I don’t have its finished picture now. Whoops. While working on projects I capture clicks rarely. I concentrate on customers work mostly.
Here is another customized work I am doing for a client. This is a pop up kinda of official project which I will hardly reveal here on the blog.
I hope you enjoyed my random sneak peek of the project. Card making is so much fun if you are a paper crafting lover. There are so many possibilities to decorate a plain piece of card. With glitter, paper cuttings, paper quilling and drawings.
I will be sharing the finished handmade cards with you soon! I hope you will like those as well as the sneak peek stuff.
Have a look at my previous Card Making Tutorials.
I hope you enjoyed the article. Have a wonderful day!