Creative Khadija Photography
Faiza’s Salon Bloggers Meetup Update
Hey All, I hope you are having a great day! Today I am going to share details about a recent bloggers meetup at Faiza’s Salon. As I was invited there so here I am going to share beautiful updates of the meetup. Would you like to know more about it? Theme of the meetup was”Fall in love with yourself” as it happened a day before Valentine’s Day. It was sponsored by Keune & Stage Line Cosmetics. Let’s have a look below.
Faiza’s Salon Bloggers Meetup Update
Salon owner Faiza doing makeover of her model.
Faiza did great job in doing beautiful makeover of her model. Isn’t it looking lovely? Faiza applied Stage Line Cosmetics here.
At Faiza’s salon, Blogger were having great time with services. Besides taking selfies, yummy food, & lots of gossip together with co bloggers, All of us enjoyed amazing hair treatments, Manicure & Pedicure as complimentary service. Faiza’s staff is very nice & professional with their work.
As this event was sponsored by Keune, So bloggers were given some hair treatments. I had great experience with Keune So Pure treatment. My hair turned super soft & smooth. OMG they are mine, Like really? Super soft & silky! Keune So Pure products are best for dry & damaged hair. They will keep your hair smooth for long & the best part, There were no hair frizz in my hair for 2-3 days after this treatment. Isn’t it amazing? Keune so pure treatment leaves a balancing, healthy & cooling effect on scalp. My hair turned shiny & moisturized. If you have thin hair, You should try this treatment for making your hair super fine. It’s perfect for all kind of hair type.
Some blogger were offered Keune Bond Fusion hair treatment. As the name shows, It makes hair bond more strong & conditioned. It protects inner structure of hair & give it perfect moisturizer for long.
Faiza’s Salon also offered Manicure & Pedicure services to the bloggers. It was really an enjoyable experience with very sweet staff of Faiza’s salon.
Faiza’s Salon staff.
It was pleasure visiting Faiza’s salon & enjoying these Manicure, Pedicure & Hair treatment services. We bloggers also received these complimentary gifts. You may check these on my social media networks already.
Thanks Herandhem for inviting me at bloggers meetup & Faiza’s salon for their impressive services. I would love to get these treatments again soon :) You girls can also check Faiza’s Saloon on Facebook & Instagram. If you are from Twin cities, You can visit Faiza’s saloon in Bahria town or G-10 Markaz Islamabad.
I will be sharing about more events & happenings more often now. Stay tuned to check whats happening around related fashion & lifestyle or art exhibitions etc? I will come up with another meetup details in coming weeks again! Stay connected via social media networks for quick updates everyday!
Have a lovely weekend!

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