Random Blogging
Hello December 2019 and Winter in Lahore
Some updates about December 2019 in Lahore
Hello December 2019, I know I am so late in updating this blog post though I drafted it a few days back. I had very busy schedule last two weeks, as I was traveling. I have spent days & weeks during winter season in Lahore already. I usually avoid visiting Lahore during summer season as it’s extremely hot and humid during summer. In fact it’s not easy to handle the heat even in August when it’s monsoon but humid. Anyways, let’s talk about winter 2019 in Lahore.

My today’s blog post is just an update to say hello to my dear readers as it’s been long I randomly wrote any blog post here. If you are following me on my social media networks, you may know some stuff through my daily updates while traveling.

Smog welcomed me in Lahore first of all. This above picture is not from the early morning or evening. I clicked this around 10 am in the morning! Schools were also off because of Smog situation in the city of Lahore city.
Hello December 2019 and Winter in Lahore

I visited Lahore for some official work at Arfa Softwere Technology Park by the Govt. of Punjab Pakistan. I might share further about it in some upcoming blog post hopefully.

It was pleasure meeting some friends at Arfa Karim softwere park as well as officials, who were already familiar with Creative Khadija Blog but they met the person behind the blog first time! Such honor for me Alhamdulillah!

Winter in Lahore was not so cold winter in my views. Though there was smog but days were sunny. It was not freezing as compared to Winter season in Islamabad. Look at this lovely green leaf.. Where are the signs of fall season though?
Hello December 2019

A clear sky during a sunny noon of December 2019. I was never this much fascinated by the city of Lahore before but this time I had extremely good time. Loving the weather specially but also the food as well.

Here comes the Bridal Couture Week 2019 in collaboration with Pantene Pakistan & Hum Network in Lahore. You can see all the LIVE updates about the event on my Instagram, Facebook & Twitter on all 3 days. You can also follow the hashtags on social media #PanteneFreedomHair #PHBCW19 to see more.
Hello December 2019 from the city of Lahore Pakistan. This was my little bit of happenings update! I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned to see more.
Have a blessed weekend!
Khadija ~

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