31+ Tips-Tricks on How To Increase Blog Traffic
Today I am going to share something different from my regular DIYs & Arty-Crafty articles, It’s something random but I think every blogger should know. I am going to talk about really useful yet easy tips & tricks on how you can increase your blog traffic & readers without hiring any SEO plan or services! Yes of course.. YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF with just a few easy steps! Check 31+ Tips-Tricks on How To Increase Blog Traffic.
Here I would like to tell you about my own blogging experiences during these last 5 years of blogging! I am not an EXPERT or PRO but I am learning.. I don’t consider myself a super successful blogger who can suggest others confidently. BUT I am sincere with all of my readers. I just wanted to share my experience & ideas with you, With a hope that it will be helping you as well as its helping me..
Anyways, You know what makes me happy a lot? When I get emails from unknown people who share their newly started blog link with me. They make such BIG smile on my face by telling me that I AM INSPIRATION BEHIND THEIR BLOGGING & CRAFTING. Seriously? Ahem..! Girls.. You are so sweet! I can never imagine myself inspirational enough but its pleasure getting your words of appreciation! And the next question they usually ask me is : How You Get Readers & Blog Traffic From All Over The World? I am used to explain these tips to many of them, Now I thought why not to write an article where all the info is collected in one post.. So new bloggers can find it useful :)
Would you like to know how to get more traffic & readers on your blog? I know every blogger would love to see their blog successful. So you should also be working on these easy yet simple tips & tricks through which you can be a successful blogger in short time!
31+ Tips-Tricks on How To Increase Blog Traffic
These are easy ways to increase blog traffic! You don’t need to scratch your head.. Okay? I am sharing below in points with a single sentence.. Be frank to let me know in comments if any point is confusing you :) I will be explaining in the comments form then! Let’s see..
1- Content is king no doubt, but I think only INTERESTING CONTENT is king.
2- Try to write long articles, 500+ word count is good.
3- Decide an interesting & descriptive blog post Title with keyword inside.
4- Use sub-headings in your article, To highlight important paragraphs. H2 & H3 are good to include in posts.
5- Highlight your article’s important points by keeping the words bold or italic.
6- You can write important things in colorful text.
7- Include a link to your archives relevant/related blog post in the first & last paragraph.
8- Upload images with proper name. Don’t upload with “DCIM 686” kind of image name.
9- Caption your images properly in the blog post. Tell others whats the picture is about.
10- ALT text description is an important factor to attract search engines traffic.
11- Keep your blog’s first & last paragraph of the article more interesting.
12- Make your photography clicks more fine & attractive.
13- Blog images size should not be bigger than 150kb or within 800px, A huge picture might slow your blog page load time.
14- Watermark images with your blog name or address, otherwise its sad to see your work stolen.
15- Blog images should be saved with a keyword in name, So they will be visible via search engines.
16- Edit & design your blog images according to social media sharing, If an image is properly broadcasting the article, then it will be getting shares which will be driving more traffic from social media networks. Social media is powerful tool. Be active there. By updating regularly, you can get additional traffic.
17- Social media engagement can help you getting more readers & followers.
18- Comment on other craft blogs, follow them & appreciate others.
19- Use hashtags while sharing at social media, New people will find you via hashtags. Would you believe VegasNay & ZuneraSerena commented on my instagram several times? She is not following me but I think she found me through hashtags.
20- Facebook groups for bloggers can help in promoting blogs.
21- Pinterest is amazing for getting ideas & sharing your ideas & work, be sure to active there.
22- Instagram can help you getting customers & clients as well as sponsors for the blog! Yes..
23- Twitter popular hashtags can help you finding new trends & people.
24- Share your every new blog post at you social media networks, Put the URL of blog post there with related hashtags.
25- Google+ can send some genuine readers from search engines.
26- Your blog should be having social media sharing option, So if a visitor liked the article, they might share with others. Don’t disappoint them by not having this opportunity.
27- Keep links to your blog social media networks, This will be helping your readers to connect more.
28- Under the article, Be sure to have your archives posts thumbnails, Don’t dumb your wonderful archives as they get older.
29- Blog sidebar is a great place to display your most appreciated work or achievements.
30- Welcome your blog readers with a friendly About Me information.
31- If you are at blogspot, keep a Follow widget at sidebar, People who follow you through Google friends connect are the most genuine & regular!
32- WordPress & other blog platforms can have a follow widget or email subscription option.
33- Always reply to your blog commentators, If there is something weird then you can skip replying.
34- Comment back those who drop sweet comments at your blog. This is the best way to socialize at blog land.
35- Don’t have difficult captcha & options for those who want to comment under your article. Use the easiest way! So you will see readers response!
36- Your email newsletter should be pretty & responsive! After posting an article, be sure to spread it via Email newsletter.
These above tips & tricks are simple, not something complicated. If you started blogging recently then you should keep these tips in your mind for your upcoming blog posts. I am sure this will be helping you a lot.
How To Increase Blog Traffic
These are 31+ plus Tips-Tricks on How To Increase Blog Traffic, but there are many other tricks too, But I am sharing the most easy, simple & responsive tips for improving SEO & blog traffic. These tips are working but not in seconds, they will take some time definitely. Work effectively with patience please.
I hope you will not be boring after reading this long article. You can also get some beginners tips & tricks on Photography Here
Feel free to share this article at social media networks. Sharing is caring.. Right?
Do you have some other tips in your mind for sharing here with us? Please feel free to share with me & my readers. I would love hearing from you genius friends.
Happy Blogging ~