Celebrate Pakistan Day
Ramadan Mubarak & Month of Pakistan’s Independence( 14 August )
Month of August is starting with a Great Islamic Month as well..from Tomorrow(depends on moon sight), it will be the start of the Holy Month Of Ramadan in my country,(in western countries,today is 1st Ramdan according to their moon sight), in Ramadan we fast & Pray to Allah..its a wonderful month with lots & lots of blessings from Allah Almighty..
There is another Great thing, Its also the month of Pakistan’s independence..Isn’t it a great blessing,,? Allah has blessed our nation with a Super Nice country..64 years back when our forefathers & nation were struggling for Independence, that time it was also the month of Ramadan(august 1947)..so prayers always work the best..that’s why we have Pakistan today!!
Pakistan is going to celebrate its 64th Independence day on 14th of this month..Last year we didn’t celebrate our Independence day because of a deadly flood which affected several villages & cities of our country, so many people died & many homeless,according to UNO, this disaster was more bloody than Tsunami of 2004.. so we were in mourning period last year with the nation,
I live in the capital city which is totally organized so we were safe but my nation was in trouble, specially the poor people of villages were in bad condition..
A few posts back, when I share Pakistani Truck Art with my readers, i receive lots of appreciation!
I read some people want to know more about Pakistan.so i thought its a good time to share more lovely things about Pakistanis & all about it :) I wonder when i receive some e-mails,in which they told me that they were in Pakistan for some years or some months & they enjoy being there !! its great to know that a tiny miny blogger is receiving love from foreigners !!
I know there is a dark image all around about Pakistan, but its totally a Media propaganda & there are also some countries who don’t want to see us Stable & successful..Well Lets hope for the BEST !!
The first plan=
This month I will share some random Posts about Pakistan, So i hope you will like the Great Pakistan & Talented Pakistanis..(this was the Mystery “P” :)
Its the Great flag of Pakistan & the Great Leader & founder of Pakistan. He is Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
I will try to share these topics about Pakistan in my future on & off(depends on time availability) random posts..
Pakistani Festivals
Pakistani Food
Pakistani Places to Visit
Pakistani Wedding
Pakistani Youth
Pakistani Music
Pakistani TV& Drama
Pakistani Art & Culture
Pakistani ……………..??
your requested ideas;
International Pakistanis
My City
If you want to know anything else, tell me please, i will add that topic in my list..so i will try to share more about your requested stuff..
Ramadan Mubarak & Month of Pakistan’s Independence( 14 August )
So let’s Celebrate 14th August with Creative Mind :) & Enjoy!!
2nd Plan=
I am planning about sharing lots of recipes in this month, because in this fasting month we need many yummy food at Iftar time..lots of parties around!! so stay connected for enjoying yummy recipes!! I have many friends from cooking blogs..so i will feature their work :) if anybody want to share any recipe at CM, write me at kkcreativemind @ hotmail(dot)com
any suggestions will be appreciated!!
Have a blessed Ramadan & the whole life ahead :)