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We Will Not Forget-Army Public School Attack
An year passed, But we can never forget 16 December 2014. That day when Army public school was attacked by the terrorists. That was one worst day in the history of Pakistan. 7 terrorists martyred 148 people including 132 students of Army Public School, Peshawar. It was not easy to sit in front of television & watch the sad news. Social media networks were also sharing lots of terrible updates about this massacre. Words can never describe our feelings of that day. We Will Not Forget-Army Public School Attack.
We Will Not Forget-Army Public School Attack
How true is this proverb! Parents can never forget their dead kids even if any few days old baby died. But how sad is this to see your teenager kids martyred at school. (btw Pashto is language of that province where terrorists attacked.)
This is the logo of Army Public School. APS Peshawar.
This is really sad to see the floor colored with blood of innocent kids. Even more painful for those who are parents. We are watching these kinda images of this attack several times at our screens. It’s hectic to see this massacre.
I don’t want to share those painful images again which we saw many at news channels & social media. I can share many images like that but NO, I will not. This year we have hope. Kids who were injured are now fine with a great passion & bravery, A few of those have been shifted abroad for special treatment related physical & psychological issues. But everything will be fine now! InshaAllah. Our kids will never stop education! We will rise & shine definitely :)
Here I would like to share this wonderful women, Principal of the Army Public School Peshawar. As the firing & blast start, She was recovered safe & security successfully take her outside the school. But She was not satisfied at that. She went inside the school again because She wanted to save her students. Everyone stopped her to go inside but She refused other opinions & went inside the school during firing & blasts.
She went inside & never return. She moved towards heaven along with her angel students. She martyred by the terrorists while requesting them to not to kill her student kids. How brave she was. She was also a mother, a teacher, a graceful lady & the most important She was a soft hearted person. This quality is God gifted no doubt. You can not find it in someone easily. She is at better place with her martyred student in heaven.
We can never forget the sacrifice of these wonderful souls. They are in our prayers always. Our sympathies are with the families of these victims.
world is not a safe place anymore. We can see terrorism is everywhere! From Europe to Middle east. In many Muslim countries situation is really critical. I wish you all live a happy & peaceful life.
ISPR released new video about 16 December 2014 attacks recently, It’s appreciated a lot. I would like to share with the readers of my blog now! Have a look here:
I wish there is subtitling with video for my international readers of the blog. But unfortunately there is not. Here kids are singing a song with determination about teaching kids & never giving up.
Let me know if the video is visible. Otherwise you can visit my Facebook page & watch both videos shared there!
We can never forget you & your sacrifice! You dear angels are always in our prayers!
Lots of love ~