11+ Great Benefits of Commenting On Others Blog Posts
I love blogging & my bloggers squad from all over the world. It’s fun connecting with wonderful people who belong to different parts of the world & fields of life but connected via blogging. When I start blogging, I had a habit of commenting on other blogs. Luckily I found some very nice blogs related my blog niche. I enjoy appreciating their work by commenting on their blogs. Today I will share 11+ Great Benefits of Commenting On Others Blog Posts & how I build up my blog’s organic traffic, readers & real followers. Many bloggers usually ask me “How I Get These Many Comments?” I always suggest them to connect & socialise more with other bloggers. Not just follow them & run. Read their blogs regularly, Keep visiting them once or twice a week & leave comments whenever possible.
Here I am sharing some “Great Benefits” of Commenting on the Blogs. Believe me I got 3/10 google page rank in just “ONE YEAR” of blogging. I know it’s huge to be at 3/10. People make lots of efforts for years just to make their page rank stable! But I did nothing because I was not even familiar with the “page rank” thing. My brother once surprised to see that & told me.
So here it is an article for you to read. I hope you will find it interesting.
11+ Great Benefits of Commenting On Others Blog Posts
1- Appreciate Others:
Commenting & appreciating others work is always a nice gesture from the commentator to the blogger. Every blogger likes to check back who commented on the blog. So this is how you will get a blog visit by a real source. If you will be following them along with comment, there are 70% chances that the person will follow back & 50% chances are there for a comment back on your blog too. Sounds good? You got a new follower, a comment & a visitor. Right?
2- Invite Others To Visit:
You can invite the blogger to check back your any specific article or if you have a giveaway going on etc. Blogger will be checking then. 80% chances are about getting an entry in your contest or giveaway etc.
3-Be A Part Of Communication:
If you will see a list of comments at any blog & you will comment there too. Don’t worry. Other visitors of that blog might check your blog & see what this blogger is sharing on the blog. Be sure to write good words, Because you are presenting your online presence with your words.
4- Learn New Ideas & Inspiration:
You can discover new ideas related blogging, How others are doing their blog & how all this going to work well. Nothing is more important than Learning in fact. This will increase your blog SEO automatically. Isn’t it cost effectively good idea? No need to pay for SEO thing & try your own useful technique.
5- Find New Blogs:
You can find & connect other bloggers (in the comment section) by checking commentators. Easy way to find your niche related blogs.
6- Develop Backlinks:
Leaving a backlink in the blog section doesn’t seem a nice gesture but many people are doing this. If you feel like dropping a backlink in others comment section, You can do it. It’s simple. But I will not recommend & like personally.
7- Authentic Readership:
Commenting gives a back link to your blog which is very well. Back links makes a blog stable & increase blog traffic. Your web page will be getting more authenticity this way! You will be noticed if you comment on blogs more often & useful quality wise.
8- Ask Questions For Help:
You can find great helping connections & sources. You can ask questions & definitely get some help if the blogger is replying each commentator. You can connect globally by socializing with some great international blogs.
9- Social Presence & Connectivity:
Your blog traffic will increase by commenting on other blogs, Your comment will remain on other blogs & this is how their readers will redirect to yours page may be. You can get authentic readers readership on your blog via this.
10- Useful Comments:
Comment something useful, Not just “Good, Nice, Well done” kind of spam compliments. This might not give a sincere gesture.
11- Learn through Others Experiences:
Reading other blogs is all about learning new stuff & others experiences. You will enjoy reading & the learning will be definitely a helpful thing just like the way you are reading my this blog post right now.
12- Sponsors & Brands:
A secret which nobody would like to tell you, You never know one secret. Brands & sponsors usually find you through your blogger buddies comments section. You can also connect new sponsors & affiliates this way! Believe me. As a digital marketer, I also have this strategy sometimes.
Be sure to remember :
Do not spam others comment section suddenly. If you find any blog, Write them comment in one blog post & you can write in detail but do not drop two words comments of 5 blog posts at once.
Try not to leave a backlink of your specific blog post or blog homepage in others comments section. It impacts a weird impression.
Read the blog post & then comment in a communicative way. Not just a stranger dropping a word & run!
Learn through others experiences. You will read & learn better this way!
Do not follow any blog to unfollow later, Learn to respect others views. If you are disagree with some part of the blog post, You have option to skip & close the tab. (I remember once I comment my views on a friend’s blog like this, I should not be doing)
Be nice always, Nobody here know you personally or the way you are in real, Everyone is predicting a person’s via their online presence here & the way they write & behave. So make sure you aren’t sharing your views weirdly. Be humble & nice.
Appreciate others work, You never know who you are inspiring & motivating. So many girls I know started blogging and they told me I am their inspiration, That’s a huge success for me to motivate others for something good & creative, A girl I know is copying Each & Everything I make. Even she tried to copy my logo as well. Some people are really fond of creativity I share, They find more inspiration & motivation specially when I appreciate them by commenting.
I would like to share a little fun example here, A girl commented me & I visited her page & commented her as she is really creative. She replied “Did you just? OMG ITS KHADIJA? Thank you so much I am dead” Her words made me smile, I was a big thing for her since last few years & I never know, I followed her back & Then she replied “Thanks for the follow Khadija I am completely DEAD now with happiness.” haha. I never knew how many people I am inspiring. She told me about her another friend who introduced her to me & She said “If I will let my that friend know about Khadija is following me back, She will be surprised yet shocked & may be envious”. Haha, I just enjoy her excitement.
Anyways, Point here is, People are highly inspired sometimes, So keep inspiring them with your creativity. I know so many bloggers who told me they started blogging after seeing my blog & creative work, That makes my day more bright. How an ordinary person(definitely Me) is influencing a lot of wonderful creative minds.
My blog post is going pretty LONG. I would not like if any of my dear reader will close the tab after seeing a long article so better wind up now!
All you need to do is, Communicate with others & increase your presence online. Comment others & make readership & following. These above tips will sure be going to help you a lot. NOT OVERNIGHT THOUGH, But slowly slowly these tricks work really well. Give it a try!
Want some more tips & tricks for building your beautiful blog? You can also get some more Useful SEO tips and tricks to increase blog traffic.
I hope you will be having a great weekend. Be sure to use the SHARE buttons for sharing this blog post on your social media networks. So your friends will also learn via this useful post. I will be thankful to you :) This post is all about my own views, experiences & learning based, If you have any question or suggestion, Do let me know. I will respond. I am not pro but I like sharing things which helped me in blogging journey. After all sharing is caring. Thank You.
Happy Blogging
Khadija ~
P.S – Creative Khadija Blog crossed 10,000 Email newsletter subscribers now! Alhamdu’lillah. Planning a giveaway soon. Let’s see. A big fat THANK YOU everyone for your continuous support. Love you all.