Random Blogging
Hello December 2018
Long time, no blog post, right? Well I am trying to manage blog with my studies these day. During my last 8 years of blogging, November 2018 was the only month when I posted once on the blog otherwise I post at least 4 to 6 times a month. So I thought to start my blog again with a hello post today. Say Hello to December 2018 :)
My year 2018 so far is going great, yet another year of success and happiness by the grace of Almighty. Still few of my plans and goals are not yet achieved but in process. I write down all the goals in my planner every year and then at the last day of the year I do an analysis of things which I have done successfully and what’s still pending. For me, this is a very useful practice. You can also try writing down goals and things for self motivation.
What about your year 2018? Are you as excited to welcome year 2019 as I am?? Well, I guess not everyone is as crazy for the new beginnings as I am. hehe. I hope your year 2018 went well and you are having a good start of the last month of this year. Every new day comes up with interesting opportunities. If some of your goals for the year 2018 still not achieved, don’t worry and continue working on. It’s never too late as the whole month of December 2018 still here.
Hello December 2018

I made this simple banner for my Welcome December 2018 blog post. You can also have a look at some of my photography clicks of December pictures. Have a look below for some more images I clicked and shared on my Instagram during Winter and fall 2018.
I like clicking sunlight and sky these days. Isn’t it look nice and warming?
Colors of fall 2018 :)
December month also remind me of the Black Day of Pakistan in 2014. We can’t forget Army Public School attack.
Wishing you all a very happy and great start of the month of December 2018. May you achieve all the goals you have planned. Also, it’s Saturday! Yay.. Happy weekend :)
Stay tuned to see more work on my blog in the coming days. I will try my best to share more soon.
Thank You.
Khadija ~