Celebrate Pakistan Day
Pakistani Flag-Themed Food Recipe For Independence Day Celebration
I crafted Pakistan Day-themed crafts and art ideas but this year I tried something different. Yes, here we have a Pakistani Flag-Themed Pasta Food Recipe For Independence Day Celebration.
Happy Independence Day Pakistan! On the 14th of August, Pakistan celebrated its 75th Independence Day. Every year I crafted Pakistan Day-themed crafts and art ideas but this year I tried something different. Yes, here we have a Pakistani Flag-Themed Pasta Food Recipe For Independence Day Celebration. It is not just easy but also delicious. Today I am going to share the recipe and process how I made it. I hope you will find my style quick and easy pasta recipe simply interesting!
I shared this recipe yesterday on my Instagram stories & received a lot of DMs in appreciation of it. So I decided to share on the blog too. Keep on reading!
Pakistani Flag-Themed Food Recipe For Pakistan Independence Day Celebration
For making this Pakistani Flag Themed Pasta, you will need these ingredients:
Spiral pasta/macaroni – 2 cup
Oil – Half cup
Onions chopped – 2 medium size
Vegetables chopped – 1 cup
Tomatoes chopped – 1 cup
Garlic shredded – 1 TBSP
Corn flour – 1 TBSP
Milk – 1 cup
Salt & pepper to taste
Sugar – 1 TSP
Chilli sauce & Soya sauce – 2 TBSP
Saute garlic past in oil & keep half of it aside for white sauce pasta.
First, we will make vegetable pasta.
Add onion to saute garlic and start cooking, then put tomatoes and vegetables in it & fry.
Add spices and sauces gradually & if required, add some water too & cover the pan with its lid on low flame
On the other hand, boil pasta as per directions mentioned on the pack. In 2 cups of boiled pasta, set aside half cup pasta for the white side of the flag. Add green color in the water & dip the 1-1\2 cup of pasta in green food color water.
Mix vegetables & green color pasta together. Cook a little until spices are mixed with pasta.
Make white sauce pasta for the white side of the flag. In a separate pan, saute garlic in oil & some onion (use the one you set aside while frying vegetables) add cornflour & cook a little. Then add milk gradually & mix it. Add salt & black pepper too. Mix it well & then add pasta (without color) to it.
Assemble the food in the dish now. A rectangular shape dish is suggested but as I don’t have one so I did it in the oval shape dish. First, add green pasta to the dish then white pasta on the side. then with the help of a fork make the moon & star on the green part.
And the Pakistani Flag Themed Food Recipe For Pakistan Independence Day Celebration. Serve it hot & enjoy!
We see a lot of flag-themed cakes in the celebration of Pakistan Day. But this spicy & yummy recipe is different than usual cakes. Also, it is a super easy and quick recipe oof pasta/macaroni! There are not many images of the step-by-step recipe though but I hope you can understand the given directions easily. If still, you have some questions, be sure to drop me a comment asking for it.
You can also check my other Pakistan Day-themed crafts & activities articles in the category. I hope you enjoyed this Pakistani Flag Themed Pasta Recipe For the Pakistan Independence Day Celebration. Pin this article & share it with the world :)