My Handmade/Handcrafted Earrings(For Sale)
Now back to the today’s post.
My mother saw my handmade earrings collection at my accessory hanger & ask me something really Serious which I am always thinking…..You know what she said..?
Who will be wearing all these earrings??
And I was speechless….Because……
**FACT** I can’t wear any artificial earrings or Jewelry more than an hour because of my sensitive skin..I can only wear gold or silver for my ears & wrist…I am always wearing gold earring & I rarely wear bracelets & cuffs..even glass bangles are sometimes disturbing me..huh..but I cant stop my hands from buying lots of accessory stuff :)
So now I am thinking about selling all of these earrings..because I would not like to see these expired or dirty at my place anyway..hehe..what do you think about my idea of being a seller of my handmade stuff…?:)
Handmade Polymer/Dough Earrings
Remember my accessory hanger. It was a recycling basically but still working well for me :) I am handling this with care :)
Here are some random clicks of my handmade earrings..Have a look & let me know frankly how they are…?
So is there anyone who would like to buy Creative Mind’s Handmade Earrings??Now let me know if you want to buy any of my handmade Earrings..most of these are one of kind..so be the first for catching any of these..
Contact: creativekhadija @ gmail dot com
Thank You ~

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