Gift Pack Idea
Simply Design a Gift box with henna design
Hey Friends, Are you going to give someone a gift? Confused about how to gift pack?? I have done something easy and fun recently! As I always love Recycling and Reusing ordinary stuff, So recently I designed a brown box with Henna tattoo-doodle. It was as easy as ABC..haha. I tried a simple ordinary design. Have a look here!
Simply Design a Gift box with henna design
Here is what I have done.. It was a plain brown box. I color it with some brush markers & freehand doodle designs. Simple! Applies Mod Podge sparkle over it just to seal the design! That’s it :)
One thing jumped into my mind right now, Remember I were having a giveaway on the blog at my 5th blogversary. Winner just received the parcel & she drop me some lovely words when she got it. She was super excited to get the goodies. Actually I add some more goodies in the giveaway package.. So it was excited for the winner even more when she got it. I am glad to know when she wrote that she wear my gifted handmade necklace everyday! :)
Anyways! I hope you will be having a great day. You can check so many ideas of Gift Packing HERE
Khadija ~