How To Craft With Duct Tape-Duct Tape Experiments
How are you doing friends? Spring just started at yours end or still dealing with snow or rain? Here in Pakistan we have mixed weather these days, sometimes rain, sometimes sunny! But Spring is here finally. You may check my Spring Photography Clicks in my previous post. Anyways, Now back to the crafty side. Few days back my brother gave me a roll of tape. He said “Tumhary Matlab Ki Cheez”(something which you may like) And I said, Yeah! Exactly!! He found a roll of broad-thin yet sticky tape in blue color from a local store. I told him it’s not an average tape, its Duct Tape :)
I was looking for duct tape from some time, So when I got it suddenly I was excited to craft something with it. I have downloaded so many podcasts in my iPad & there are some duct tape crafts videos saved. Yo! Time to craft with duct tape now.
Today I will be sharing my experiment with Duct Tape. Remember when I got Washi Tape from my friend in Singapore, First I tried a small project as experiment there too. You can see my Washi Tape crafts HERE.
Let’s see How To Craft With Duct Tape, It’s not a beautiful creation or cool idea, it’s just a Duct Tape Experiments
My niece is just 2 years old but she is a scholar you know? haha.. She is writing her thesis on every wall of the house, and saving some at 4 note books too, but she enjoyed making drawings and lines on notepads & notebooks. She were sleeping in her room but her pencil found at my table & I got this opportunity as advantage (evil laugh) I took her pencil & started my craft idea with her pencil. Actually I don’t want to ruin my sketching purpose special pencils with any experiment thing, So better use any random pencil. But be sure to ask someone before grabbing their pencil. Don’t blame me later, I own my nieces & all of their toys! haha
I cover the pencil with duct tape first, Then started making flower with duct tape. It’s super easy but you need to be careful more while working with duct tape. As I were working with it first time, So it hurts my finger skin. OMG it’s too much sticky.. Removing the duct tape from something is not that easy. I chip my side table’s paint as well. Whoops, I wonder how Kim used duct tape for her cleavages.. buhahaha! Sorry I am going nuts.
Here is the pencil I have done making. For getting instructions about the making of this flower, You can check this video. I hope you will understand easily.
The pencil was in triangle shape instead of round. So tape is not smoothly pasted nor the flower made perfectly. Oh com on, it was just an experiment. In my upcoming articles You will see me doing a wall art with duct tape. Seriously! Would you like to see how I used duct tape for a wall art? So stay tuned for more fun with duct tape crafting. I hope you will like the idea about How To Craft With Duct Tape.
I hope you enjoyed my today’s experiment article & some random ramblings. You can also check my Washi Tape Crafts Ideas HERE
Have a great day!
Khadija ~
P.S – If I wrote somewhere Duck Tape instead of duct tape.. then excuse me :p haha