Paper Ribbon Flower Tutorial & Gift Packing Idea
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Sometimes we are going to present someone a small size gift,as some jewelry etc…But first of all we become conscious that how to present it in a better way Because the gift is tiny a little in size or amount.
Same problem I were facing few days back, but I use my creativity and did some recycling for the gift wrapping & packing(at the same time) idea comes suddenly,
Now I want to share that smart idea with You
I hope you will Like it…..
Lets catch another TUTORIAL of a gift packing idea,
Paper Ribbon Flower Tutorial & Gift Packing Idea
This is the finished boxy
These are the Materials;
- Empty jar of hair jell
- A wrapping sheet
- Transparent glue or mod podge
Paper or fabric ribbon
- Torn the paper into several pieces
- Apply the glue on the cap of jar
- Paste the paper pieces over it
- And complete it.then brush a 2nd coat of glue on it.
- Paste a flower motive at the top of the jar
Now the Paper Ribbon Tutorial Started…
- Take 4 strips of ribbon.8 inches long
- Staple them from center and make bows.If you are using fabric ribbon you can stitch them with needle
- Now place them on each other as the picture is showing….
- Fix a small bead in the center to cover stapler…
And its completed…
Paper Ribbon Flower Tutorial & Gift Packing Idea
I hope you will find it easy and interesting!
You can check all of my other ideas related decoupage & paper crafts
Have a nice day….