Recap of The Year 2014
2015 is around the corner now! It was a great year for my blog as well as myself indeed, Year 2014 was filled with so many blessings & one of the best year of my life so far.. Alhamdulillah. I enjoy this successful year, There was more work, more sales, more fun & more happiness with the help of Allah Almighty!! I was submitting my interviews several times this year, It was great experience being featured & published in different countries & media. I submit many guest posts at different websites, forums & magazines etc. Not only in Pakistan, at many international blogs though, I was invited to visit locations as well (in Malaysia, USA, UK & Israel). I am also excited about my personal blog as well, that’s a Fashion, Food & Lifestyle blog which is also converting my attention but its fun! Besides these features & publishing, every other day I got the lovely words of appreciation from my readers. This year I work not only for my blog, I also did many commissioned tasks as a freelancer, Isn’t it fun being popular worldwide?? Definitely its the best feeling when people appreciate your work! Alhamdulillah :)
Anyways! I am so talkative specially when I am so happy, so better I should control before you dear readers quit reading this post..haha…now have a look at the Recap of “Creative Khadija” year 2014 crafty creations & Tutorial…
Recap of the Year 2014
January 2014

Keychain/Pendant Tutorial Anthro Inspired Cuff Planner Design Glitter Hearts Balloons
February 2014

DIY Heartistic Shirt 3D Card Making iPhone Keyring DIY
March 2014

Anthro Inspired Bracelet Jute Nest Making Spring Nest with Bird Dough Flowers Basket Design
April 2014

Paper Quilling Card Making Washi Tape Crafts Beads Bracelet Making Mirror decoration DIY
May 2014
June 2014

Handmade Earrings Weight Loss tips Monogram WallArt DIY
July 2014

Glasspaint Jar Reuse WashiTape Gift Box Gift Box Designing Ribbon Flowers Headband
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
In December I were away from blog-land because of a sad happening in my country and then for my studies/exams! but I am back now!
While writing this post I was a feeling lazy.. I guess I should not be taking break next time, otherwise I will be ignoring my blog & seriously I hate ignoring my passion & profession! So here it is the last post of this year 2014. I hope you will like having a look at the whole if something missed.
You can also have a look at all the recaps of my previous years of blogging!
I am so happy its my 4th year of successful blogging going on! Alhamdulillah for Everything. I am glad to have you all blogger friends here with me during these past years of fun and creativity. Thank you Everyone. Wish you all a very Happy and Successful year 2015.
Have a great day!
Khadija Kiran ~