Celebrate Pakistan Day
DIY Independence Day Pendant
Month of August is very special for us Pakistanis, because it’s the month of independence, 14th August 1947 was the day when we got freedom. Too much struggle, efforts, difficult situations around but the whole Nation is working hard with unity for the peace and prosperity of our dear country.. So Happy 67 years my dear Land.. Stay awesome!!
As I am in love with Jewelry & Accessory things, So I like making these too, I made this pendant today with Patriotic theme, Every year I make independence day crafts & mostly there is any accessory. So this year again I made some accessory thing.. a pendant with the Pakistani Flag theme, Green and White..
Have a look what I have done.. Enjoy the DIY..
DIY Independence Day Pendant
I made a pendant with Mod Melts, As you know I received Mod melts from Mod Podge Rocks last month, So I try this simple and easy DIY. see the steps..
I am under attack of CHEVRON these days, Love it simply, I work with Chevron stencil last month, today again I select the chevron design for this mod melts molds.
1-Melt the glue and fill the mold, 2-eject it from mold and trim the extra sides. be careful while working with. and be sure to remember my Craft Fail as well..
I decide to make earrings with these but later I realize that it will not be a cool idea to make some ear accessory again, I have made a stud earrings in 2012 as independence day craft.. So I decide to make a pendant this time!! I fix the jump ring and chain in it & its DONE but if you want an earring, you can also try it..
Here is the size of the pendant with my whoops long nails..haha
I make the border of pendant with white, I use white acrylic paints mixed it with silver glitter. because Pakistani flag is having white border..
My sketchbook was near so I thought to get this painting as my model of this pendant.. isn’t it fine..??
There we go.. Its Done.. simple, easy and cute.. and Patriotic as well.. So wish you all a very happy Independence day. and in my National Language Urdu, I will be greeting by saying = Jashan-e-Azadi Mubarak..
Here are my other easy and pretty independence day crafts, have a look at these and enjoy my tutorials.I hope you will like to create something like this.
Lots of well wishes and prayers for the peace & prosperity of my homeland, my country..my Pakistan..oh yeah one more thing I have to mention before leaving the page..Last night we enjoy the great fireworks & that was amazing!!
Have a great day Friends, Happy independence day! stay productive and passionate for the peace & prosperity of Pakistan!
A very Patriotic Khadija ~

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