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My New Year Resolutions for 2021
As the year 2020 has taught us different lessons so I decided to update my new year resolutions for 2021. Today I am sharing a few of my general new year resolutions with you all.
The year 2020 is just leaving finally & New Year 2021 is almost here. Today is the last day of December 2020. This year was totally a different experience for almost all of us. First, COVID breakout in Pakistan then there was a series of uncertain things which we all have experienced throughout the year. The quarantine & lockdown period was differently experienced by all of us. Some people made their stay-at-home time productive, while some found it difficult to stay at home for weeks during the lockdown. When I posted my previous article on Life Lessons taught in 2020 I thought to write another article on some new year resolutions & goals to focus on.
My New Year Resolutions for 2021
On different levels, it was a different experience for every one of us! As the year 2020 has taught us different lessons so I decided to update my new year resolutions for 2021. Today I am sharing a few of my general new year resolutions with you all. I hope my today’s article will be helpful for you too in some ways!
My New Year Resolutions for 2021

A healthy lifestyle is a priority
We didn’t realize the quote “Health is wealth” until 2020 came! A lot of us started taking care of ourselves more seriously this year. So it is important to look after yourself & try to stay fit. We can stay fit with the help of daily exercise and by adopting healthy eating habits.
Stay hydrated
A healthy body keeps a healthy mind, body hydration is very important & it keeps a person more focused. To be honest, this winter I was unable to drink much water. But I promised myself to drink more water. This is one of the most focused resolutions for me!
Savings are Important
During the time of quarantine earlier this year, I did a lot of online shopping but later I realized it was useless to buy some of those things as I am not going out much, only when it is necessary then I go out. So now I have decided to save more and spend less on things like makeup & accessories especially. I actually realized the importance of LESS IS MORE this year!
Travel & Explore more
I don’t usually travel much, this year I was actually stressed out due to covid panic, and later due to some lack of motivation, I felt I should go out somewhere. I need to travel & explore more just to change my mind from current scenarios and situations. But safe travel is the only option, by following the safety precautions during travel.
Selfcare should be a priority
Stay at home doesn’t mean one should stop looking after their self. We can use this time as an opportunity to spend more time with ourselves. It’s important to focus on the body, soul, and mind with a mentally & physically healthy body, it’s easier to spend this hectic pandemic time.
Giveaway more
I am a hoarder of things, I used to buy a lot of stuff for no reason, from craft supplies to clothing and random things. BUT NOT ANYMORE NOW! I promised myself to giveaway more and shop less. Things I don’t need should be in use of someone else who is maybe in need of it. So giving away is always a good idea. Will do it more this year InshaAllah.
Daily walk
Though I already walk half-mile daily during these severe cold days, I am being lazy! I don’t appreciate it though but my cozy winter couch doesn’t let me stay out of it & be active much! I will be following my routine again in the coming days!
Journal writing
I stopped writing my daily diary this year. Yes, you read it right. My daily diary & journal is kind of together stuff. I was in a panic situation when COVID spread earlier this year in March & April. I don’t feel like doing anything besides looking after my parents a little bit too much. Keeping them safe from not just COVID but also from other health issues.
My parents are old, sick & very weak even in they are in their late 60s. I was panicked for them and don’t feel like writing my mind as it was full of negative thoughts. But with time, I overcome the situation and now thinking about starting my daily diary again! I need to stay optimistic about the future though it’s not easy to think positively sometimes.
Declutter and organize more
It is the right time to let go of those things which are not in any use. In the mid of 2020, I declutter and organize my craft room & got rid of so many things I was just hoarding. I get some new racks made for the room & organized the room better. I have more plans to organize my year 2021 as well. One of the big goals is to stay organized properly this coming year too.
Healthy & clean eating
Though I am already a diet conscious person & I try to stay away from junk food & sweets. But it is not as easy as you all know! in the year 2021, I decided to eat more healthy & less junk. Let’s see how successful this new year resolution goes :)
Recycle & reuse
Yes!! You will see more recycled crafts and ideas in the coming year too. I will keep creating as much as possible. After watching the Netflix documentary series “Our Planet” I seriously want to do my part in making this Earth a green & better place! Every individual effort counts.. believe me! So keep up the recycling & reusing materials as much as you can!
Support local & small business
Though I am a brand conscious person but not anymore! Earlier this year I bought a few things from some local home-based & small businesses which actually turned out well. I decided to help new entrepreneurs instead of multinational businesses and brands. Small business needs our support more than big brands, to be honest.
Learn new skills
There is always room for improvement, during the days when I was in lack of motivation to work, blog, or make art, I get myself enrolled in some new skills via online courses. It is great to upgrade knowledge and skills. I enjoyed learning SEO and Graphic Design. Also into the world of freelancing through online freelancer portals! Oh and I earned some $$ too via my newly learned skill :)
Meditate more & be grateful
One of the most useful things! If you will do it, you will thank yourself later. Take a break from work & daily life hassle to meditate. This year was difficult but I will be adopting this habit more firmly just for the peace of my mind.
Avoid screen time
This is difficult.. in fact, it seems impossible when you are a blogger or social media influencer like me. As 2021 is the year of self-care & a healthy lifestyle for me, so I will try to focus more on this. Less online books reading, fewer dramas & Netflix series hopefully! (Inform me when Stranger Things & Money Heist new seasons are live). Well, our eyes also need rest, as well as our mind. So it is not bad trying this out. Just to get some off time from the screen!
Prioritize family always
Though I work from my mother’s bedroom couch & while looking after her I used to work but now I decided to work less and spend my time with them. This year work was not my priority much. I worked more on my relationships with family & friends in the middle of uncertainty about life & the future. I got rid of many toxic people & now making more time for my genuine and sincere people only! A small sincere circle is always better.
Do Charity
Charity & Sadaqah is the only thing which stays even after our death. In the religion Islam, prioritize much to help the needy. I am definitely going to focus more on this. We don’t know how long we are going to live, so the money we are saving is of no use to us. Making a charity a regular habit is the best habit one can follow.
Nature is the art of God
In this busy life, it is always important to take a break and stay close to mother nature. Understanding the hidden beauty and secrets of nature is a totally blissful act indeed. I will explore nature via traveling hopefully in the next year 2021.
Early to bed
One of the biggest struggles of today’s generation, isn’t it? Though I get up early in the morning but sleeping early doesn’t seem to happen as well. I will try my best to focus on this new year’s resolution.
Be more kind & less judgmental
This World seems full of hate and negativity, but on the other hand, there is also too much kindness & love. We need to be that person who makes this world a better place with kindness and care. If not now, then when? KARMA is always waiting for its turn, so don’t you ever think that you will hit someone & run, KARMA will find you wherever you are & hit you even harder one day. So be careful and adopt the habit of kindness towards others. Ignore the negative vibes (though it is not easy at all) and spread a message of love and positivity.
“BE THE REASON SOMEONE BELIEVES IN THE GOODNESS OF PEOPLE” (this is actually my WhatsApp status for the last 5 years now! )
That’s all for today, my friends! I don’t usually share random things besides art, food, fashion, or daily life hacks but today I feel like writing a detailed article about my new year goals and some of my new year resolutions for the year 2021. I hope you will find this useful for yourself too. You can definitely adapt some of these for your new year’s goals list.

I would like to know what are your plans, goals, and resolutions for the upcoming year. Lots of well wishes, prayers & happiness your way! Stay safe, stay happy & healthy always <3
Happy New Year 2021 with all the positive vibes!
~ Khadija