How To Create Vintage Inspired Cabochon Pendant
Easy and unique idea how to create a vintage inspired cabochon pendant using mod podge glue and podgeable crystal shapes.
Happy Monday everyone! Do you like vintage inspired accessories? Have you ever made some? If you are following my blog for some time, you will definitely know how much I like handmade jewelry making. Handmade jewelry making is one of the fun activity. Anything handmade can be a good gift as well but when there is some accessory, it’s more special. In my today’s blog post, I will be sharing how to how to create a vintage inspired cabochon pendant. I hope you will find it easy to make & pretty. Have a look at the tutorial of the cute little cabochon pendant:

How To Create Vintage Inspired Cabochon Pendant

A few years back once Amy sent me a goodie bag with different mod podge craft supplies. These podgeable crystal are already having a hole for adding any of the jump ring or the ribbon etc. For making this cabochon pendant, you will need these few craft supplies only.
Mod Podge Podgeable Shapes
Mod Podge glue
Podgeable sheets in vintage design
Jump ring & chain
How To Create:

First, cut the paper sheet according to the shape of your pendant. I choose a drop shape pendant here. For the sheet, I selected a vintage inspired floral design which is nice btw. Isn’t it? I selected the three flowers bunch for this pendant.

Cut the sheet & paste it on the back side of pendant. Let it dry for ten minutes. Once it gets dry, add the jump ring with pendant (there is already a hole there. Put some metal chain in it & the pendant is ready to wear.

I put some coins charm chain with it & there is a heart too. Isn’t it looking good now? How easy and within 15 minutes you can make it & wear it. No big deal. Right?

Vintage inspired accessories are always in fashion, they are never going out of the trends. I have tried vintage arts and crafts several times and they are one of my fave crafts. You can also have a look at few of my previous handmade jewelry crafts and ideas.

In case you don’t know how to add jump ring to any pendant, here is the idea how to do it. You can check more step by step of it in detail HERE
Have a look at my previous handmade jewelry making tutorials now!

Making these pendant are easy and not something complicated at all. Have a look at this Eiffel Tower Pendant tutorial.

Here is another pair of earrings which is designed with lace cut out. You can see it’s making in one of my previous blog post. How To make lace cut out earrings.

This is not an accessory but it’s the vintage inspired craft which I designed few years back. You can see tutorial of this vintage inspired notebook cover design.

As it is the month of October which is also known as Pinktober. Here is one of my pearl necklace DIY which I crafted a few years back during the month of October. You can see how to make the Pinktober necklace with Pink bow.
I hope you will like my today’s blog post. If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to drop in the comments section.
Have a great start of the week!

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