Make Egg Carton Flowers-Recycling
Recycling is the most interesting activity..may be I will show you someday the rough stuff I have saved in my craft room, which makes my mother angry sometimes but I know how to keep her cool with a warm hug..hehe..she think I am making my craft room more dirty with these recyclable stuff until I make something useful with these unnecessary things.
Kitchen is my favorite area for collecting these kind of things, like any crockery thing like cracked mug/broken mug, chipped vase ,Plate, plastic spoons or any tin can , sweets box , soft drink bottles , any glass or tray etc. You can check some more up-cycled fun tutorials here in my archives list .
Egg Carton Flowers-Recycling
Here today is a flower..the most light weight flower ever..Any guess about the material?? Ok Lets see detail below;
Its a Styrofoam egg carton flowers.for making these flowers you will need to have;
-Styrofoam egg carton
-common pins/thumb pins
First you will cut the box carefully,
then separate all the little egg containers parts.
Cut their edges & make a round shaped cups,
Cut it with scissor and you can shape them as any petal.
Fix a center bud & its done.
For making a center bud rosette you will cut a strip of the same Styrofoam(you can try with tissue paper too)
Make it round & fix with a thumb pin.(Dont use any GLUE or adhesive thing)
A common pin will also be ok but be careful while working.
Flowers are done,Now you can color these & arrange with any floral arrangements.
The thumb pin was having more weight than this light weight flower, so I fix a common pin for the rosette making and fixing.
I hope you understand the whole process of making these up-cycled/recycled flowers.
In next post I will show you How & where I arrange these flowers.So dont forget to visit my next Tutorial post.
Have a look at my previous fun recycling ideas with Styrofoam things;
Styrofoam Henna designed Box Tutorial
Jewelry Organizer Tutorial
I hope you remember these archive posts,but If you don’t, visit again & enjoy!
~ Khadija