Creative Khadija Photography
Random Bits of Creativity from My Craft Room
Hey dear crafty friends, I hope you all are doing well and good. How is your crafty life going? I always enjoy seeing my blogger friends ongoing art work projects at their blogs & social media networks. Interesting updates are always there. So today I thought to share some Random Bits of Creativity from My Craft Room with my readers now! Would you like to see what I have been working on & crafting in past weeks? I hope I am not going to bore you with my random ramblings :) haha
Let’s start now! All of these you might already have seen at my social media networks specially at Instagram.
Random Bits of Creativity from My Craft Room
Very blue & very bright. Isn’t it? Well it’s not captured by my DSLR, & It’s by my iPhone camera. Just a random click without any editing or filter. Good natural light is a blessing! I were working on a client’s project, She ordered Coin Earrings & I were making a pair for her when I captured this random click, But when I saw this good click in my mobile gallery, I shared at my social media networks then.
Remember these pebbles? I designed these few years back & they were a big hit. I found these in a drawer at my craftroom couple weeks back & I washed them & placed at my craft table as they look so neat with the blue surface of the table. Right?
Have a look at the Tutorials of the Pebble Design, Ladybug Pebble and Pistachio Coaster
This is what I were working on but not much satisfied with the end result. Actually it’s the wall of my craftroom with the pink color paint, This baby pink is the one I NEVER Ever wanted though :/ It was a bit dark but as the paint dried & I saw this done, the color was too dim than the one which I selected from the shade card. Well I will be sharing more details of this painted wall in my next article. So stay tuned to see some more info about it.
You can see the finished wall HERE
And this is what I am very excited about. As you know I am a fashion designer too, So I were working on a collaboration with a UK based Fashion Designer. I have designed a bridal dress Lehnga for a client. I sold my embroidery designs to the British designer & it was fun working on this.
I will be sharing the finished product as I will get better pictures of the Lehnga, Right now I have got some initial detail of the lehnga & it’s in the sewing process these days! Excited to see?? Drools.. Stay curious my girls ;) haha
I am a snapchatter, Do you have snapchat? I enjoy sharing my random work in progress updates with my friends there. It’s fun seeing live updates of your friends from every part of the world.
This above work in progress update was my Decoupaged Table. I have shared the tutorial of the table design on my blog recently.
This is something which is making me confuse, I am not sure how to reuse these trash wooden blocks, There are a few square tiles of one inches wide & almost 6×6 inches square block. Do you have any idea how to craft this thing?
These are going to be my next crafty project whenever I will be in crafty mood. I have a lot of projects to complete this week, That’s why I am less crafting now a days. But luckily I am done with my online projects. So Next week I will be into creating & crafting InshaAllah.
I hope you people are not boring after checking these random updates. As I had so many sponsors & advertisements on my blog this month, So I were feeling may be my readers are boring with formal & professional stuff so right now? Sorry girls, It’s part of blogging life you know. Well today it’s going to be something personal and random!
I hope my friends enjoyed this Random Bits of Creativity from My Craft Room. Don’t forget to give your feedback via social media & blog comments. I hope you are having a great day!
Thank You ~