Pakistani Articles
Coronavirus Breakout In Pakistan – Signs of Coronavirus
Signs of coronovirus along with some tips how we can try to prevent it from spreading. Continue reading the Coronavirus Breakout In Pakistan – Signs of Coronavirus
I know you may find my today’s article an off topic as my blog content niche is crafts majorly. But when it comes to the health & safety, there should be no specific content niche involved. As recently outbreak of Coronavirus in Pakistan is in the news, so I thought to share some info for awareness. I am sharing signs of coronovirus along with some tips how we can try to prevent it from spreading. Continue reading the Coronavirus Breakout In Pakistan – Signs of Coronavirus

Sudden uprisings in the case of Coronavirus (COVID-19 where ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease) Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV”. The world has been shrunken together to beat this fatal disease.
Outbreak of Coronavirus in Pakistan
Here I would like to give you an insight about what this virus really is? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause illnesses like common cold to more severe diseases. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
The signs of coronavirus start with cold and cough turn in to mild pneumonia which later causes breathing issues in the person. Most recently, the outbreak have begun from Wuhan. It is a city in China, gradually spread all over the world affecting 82000 approx people with 2800 deaths and 31000 recovered.
Coronavirus in Pakistan
As per the recent news, Pakistan has detected the first case of coronavirus which made roar the panic and terror among the citizen. Even though both the patients have been taken care of according to the standard clinical protocol but it could be more than that if the immediate precautions wouldn’t be taken in consideration.
Pakistan more likely to face a potential health crisis due to large illiterate populations, hazardous conditions in hospitals, poorly developed with equipment. What is more alarming that Pakistan has closed down its borders with Afghanistan and Iran but the air route to and from China is still working in the name of trade and commerce. Sad to say, due to our lack of preparation and advancement, our country can be on the verge of some medical emergency.
Keep on reading to know more about Coronavirus Breakout In Pakistan – Signs of Coronavirus
Origins of Coronavirus:
The scientist are still studying the actual origins of this virus which dates back to 1960 but recently in 2019 a city of Wuhan in China which has a seaport and the virus has likely been occurred from there and as per scientist’s knowledge these viruses ( SARS and MERS) were originally came from animals like bat and camel. One more thing Wuhan has the illegal seaport where animals trading happen, this proves that how virus emerged from there only.
Coronoavirus is a disease?
Conspiracies, myths, false statements, fear travel faster than any other virus. People spread words what they heard without even confirming the right source. Same happened in the case of coronavirus being a disease. Yes, indeed Coronavirus is a disease but it’s not as fatal as it painted. It starts with mild cold, cough or more threatening like pneumonia. There are certain myths and facts which needed to be explained while taking coronavirus in consideration to understand what it really is and severe it could be.

Experts believes that Virus spread from person-to-person with any kind of close contact or you touch something which has virus germs on it and you like make contact with it before washing your hands. So, as dangerous it sounds, it can easily be voided if we take the precautions carefully.
What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?
As explained earlier, coronaviruses are a structure of viruses consists of cough, fever and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The disease which outbreaks in China is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the signs of coronavirus are very common that we neglect on our daily basis which are fever, cough and breathing issues. The severity can go from mild to severe.

As per WHO, the more severe cases it can lead to pneumonia, organ failures, extreme breathing issues and even death. The symptoms can be visually seen in the person within six days and the total incubation time which this needs from infection to symptoms is 0 to 14 days.
What are the causes of coronavirus?
Researchers have said that they cannot really predict the causes of this virus. It can be transferred from human to human close interaction or it can be spread through an interaction with animals or it can spread by saliva droplets released when someone with the virus sneezes or coughs.
The reason why countries are putting ban on traveling to and from china because the cases have emerged majorly from there and now spreading widely all over the world. It is said that the virus likely transferring from person to person and if we touch the surface is already virus infected and then we touch our mouth or eyes, this can lead to the virus.

How to prevent coronavirus?
Sadly, the medical authorities have not come up with any vaccine in the regard of this virus yet but they have released statements which explain the prevention from this coronavirus and now you can yourself take the steps and avoid the chances of this infection on your own.
- Wash your hands regularly and frequently especially when you are coming from outside.
- Cover your mouth when you go outside
- Keep yourself hydrated as water will help remove the germ of any virus.
- Maintain at least 1 meter distance from the person.
- Maintain respiratory hygiene that is cover your when you cough, yawn or sneeze.
- Immediately contact your doctor if you are sick or having difficulty in breathing.
- Clean and disinfect your surroundings.

Social media have created traumatic experience regarding this virus which sure might be but scientists and medical persons are still studying about this virus so before we start panicking just by reading things spread on everywhere, its better if we educate ourselves with signs of coronavirus from reliable platform and follow the precautionary measures described there only.
Coronavirus Breakout In Pakistan – Signs of Coronavirus
This disease can easily be avoided if we follow basic hygiene like washing our hands, covering our mouths etc and as described above. If you think you have any of the symptoms mentioned in this article then immediately consult your doctor before any further delaying. As they say, we are in this together and we can easily end it if we act smartly and take proper hygienic measures. I hope this article will help you understanding all the basic about this coronavirus.
I hope you will find my today’s article informative, you can also follow the news sites for regular updates about Coronavirus Breakout In Pakistan. Social media networks are also updating the people about Signs of Coronavirus and prevention tips. Stay safe everyone!

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